Monthly Archives: July 2012

Dear Reader: Going on vacation edition

I’m off for the next two weeks, but here is an interesting article for you to read, about boys and reading: BOYS AND BOOKS. It quotes author Jon Scieszka, who has been speaking for a long time about the disparity between boys’ and girls’ reading. It has long been Common Wisdom that most reluctant readers are boys; that boys will read books with boy protagonists, but girls will read books not matter what the sex of the protagonist; that boys mostly like nonfiction or graphic novels. Schools need to pay attention to this. Another solution is for boys to see the men in their lives reading anything: newspapers, magazines, books. They rarely do. It’s a viscous cycle.
More reading: Here is our August Newsletter: Plumb Library News. The Friends are looking for a few good friends to help with the Country Fair in August, and the book sale in September. “Gwendolyn the Graceful Pig” will be visiting us on August 13 at 6:30, as author David Rottenburg reads from his book while local student dancers interpret the story. The Nonfiction Book group’s September title A Night to Remember arrives on Aug. 15. There are pictures from the Stuffed Animal Sleepover, and much more.

Greg McAdams will be performing his Team Magic magic show at the Congregational Church Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, Aug. 1 at 4:00. All children are invited to attend, whether or not they’re in the Summer Reading Program. This is rescheduled from June, due to low attendance.

Remember to keep reading and logging. The Summer Program is officially over on Aug. 23, so you’re not done yet! I’ll be reading, in between looking at icebergs and puffins. Have fun!

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Dear Reader: Just Catching Up

My apologies! I hadn’t realized that it’s been a month since I last posted to this blog! The summer just took over and ate my brain. Here’s what’s new:

The Friends have a new tote bag that they’re selling for $12. It’s blue, with the library printed on it in white, has five pockets, zips closed, is dirt and stain resistant. They’ll be selling them at the Country Fair in August, but you can get one now just by asking at the desk.

The last scheduled program for the Summer Reading Program is on Wednesday, Aug. 1 at 4:00 p.m.. Greg McAdams will present his Team Magic program. It was originally scheduled for June, but the attendance was so small, Greg offered to reschedule. It will be held at the Congregational Church’s Fellowship Hall, so be sure to attend. Greg can’t do the program with a small turnout, so let’s all show up!

Just because the programs are done, doesn’t mean you can stop reading and logging your hours. The weekly prize drawings for the Teens and Adults will continue until mid-August, as will the drop-in crafts. To combat the Dog Days, we’re having Wacky Shirt Wednesdays. Check the calendar, show up wearing that day’s theme, and you can be entered into a prize drawing. Week 1: Sports; Week 2: Hawaiian; Week 3: Funny t-shirt; Week 4: Animals.

The Friends need volunteers for the Country Fair and for the Book Sale. Check at the desk for more details. They will be at the Country Fair on August 18 and 19, if there are enough helpers. There will be a schedule at the desk, so sign up there. The book sale is on Saturday, September 8 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, with the Friends Preview Sale on Friday, Sept. 7 from 6-8 p.m. Helpers are needed all day Friday to move, unpack, and sort; all day Saturday to sell, then pack and move back to the library basement. Again, ask at the desk. Helpers with pickup trucks are especially welcome. All volunteers receive 50% off their purchases.

That should be enough to keep you busy until school starts!

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